Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Click Go The Shears

          Back in the day when hairstylists were called hairdressers; when a blob of mousse was the only ‘product’ available to enhance our droopy locks, a visit to a hair salon was a fairly simple outing for either a cut or a perm.  Color was usually reserved for ladies of a certain age and consisted of a blue rinse on a neat white head.  Anything more than that was done at home because no one admitted to having a few grey hairs or actually changing their mud colored hair into a shining, crowning glory.
          Well, those days are long gone sweet cheeks…at least in any of the salons I’ve recently visited.   Now it’s nigh on impossible to spend less than a half day at one while at the same time being told how much certain products would improve the lank mess on your head.
          Recently I felt a quick haircut was in order.  Not that my hair was too bad…just a simple cleanup around the edges was the only thing required.  Or so I thought.  Ha!
          Captive in a chair with my feet dangling off the floor, I was surrounded by three stylists each one with a grim to grimmer look.  Heavy sighs emanated from them as they looked, picked up a strand or two of my hair, let it flop back and shook their collective heads.  Obviously my head was considered not a shade better than Medusas and what on earth could be done about that?
          The three pondered this sad state of affairs while all the time talking around and above me as though I were a dead body stuffed into their lovely leather chair.  It seems the main problem appeared to be that my hair was not clean enough…this despite the fact I’d shampooed it just that morning. 
          ‘You’re not using our specialty shampoo are you?’ 
          ‘Um…no.  I didn’t know there was a special shampoo for my head,’ I nearly whimpered.
          ‘Ah…’  The three nodded sagely and I think rolled their eyes but I can’t be certain because by then I wasn’t brave enough to look any of them in the face.
          ‘I just came in for a quick trim.’  I mumbled timidly.
          And with that, two of my judges disappeared while the one left to confront the hideousness of the stuff on my head, produced a pair of shears and started to create a ‘style.’  For minutes hair flew in all directions as he cut and pulled, pushed and cut some more. 
          But this was not to be the end of it all.  Before I could heave myself out of the chair, the stylist produced a collection of goods that apparently was deemed necessary for me to be able to look after my hair in the proper manner.
          There was gel and mud and something called root lifter which was going to make my hair stand on end whether I wanted it to or not; there was cream to thicken my hair, another to make it shine and, of course, there was the good old standby but so old hat now, the mousse.   I could have any or all of these products for the cost of a small luxury car and would I like them wrapped?
          I declined purchase of the goodies, paid the ransom for the hair cut and am now looking for a new hair salon.  Or maybe I’ll just start hacking at my hair myself.  Surely it couldn’t look any worse?
Mesmerizing isn't it?  Aaarrrrghghgh!! 



  1. You have made me laugh. For several years now I have had a hairdresser who comes to the house. She is fantastic and it's a lot cheaper as her overheads are so low. On the few occasions I've had to go into a salon it has felt like a totally alien experience...

    1. Lucky you! I wish there was someone like that here..but sadly, no. I guess I'll just continue to be intimidated by our 'stylists' or, just let my hair grow. Now there's a thought eh?

  2. You poor thing. They made you look like you've just left a one night stand. Wait a minute; I like this look.

    1. Bahahaha...what a hoot! But I suspect that's a typically male comment...:)

  3. G'day Astrid. Oh, you are the witty one. What a great post.I loved it and I laughed all the way through it.I have a friend who travels well over an hour and a half,each way, to go to her favourite hairdresser and has been doing this for years.Luckily mine works from home and is only five minutes away, but just recently she has put her prices up quite drastically. I love the colour of your hair and maybe the tousled look is still in vogue !! Take care. Liz...

    1. You and Broad are the lucky ones. I'd pay anything for the luxury of having a home visiting hair dresser. Thanks for stopping by. Smiles - A.

  4. I'd have just got up and walked as soon as they started their stupid little game.

    1. I'm just a wimp Ilion. Hair stylists full of hair wisdom leave me quaking at the knees. Now, if they were still called hairdressers...well, then....ha!

  5. Great post, Astrid. :-) If they really left you looking like that, I'd say cutting your own hair would give you better results. I've been cutting my own hair for years, as I got so tired of paying a fortune and not liking the results. By my reckoning I've been to the hairdresser's twice in the last 8 years and each time swore I'd never do it again!

    1. Unfortunately I don't think the result would be any better than what I have from the salon. Cheaper of course...just don't know how to hack at the back of my head without breaking an arm or something...oh well, not something I have to worry about for at least a couple of months. :)

  6. Ahhh, they gave you the I just rolled out of bed cause I'm a hottie hair do. :)

    I love my hairdresser, although it is at a fancy salon, she keeps it real with me. She's whisper if she thinks something cheaper will do. :) I think they get a lot of pressure from the owners to sell product. I must admit I LOVE the root lift stuff. I like to back comb part of my hair and that stuff makes it stay put sooo much better.

    1. You're too funny Sharon! I do agree about the pressure to sell product. I can't remember ever being so inundated with suggestions to buy 'stuff.' Not back in the olden days when they were all called hairdressers anyway.


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