Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sweet Natasha

          Twenty years ago next week, I was present at the birth of my daughter’s first child, my adorable granddaughter, Natasha.  It’s hard for me to grasp that two decades have passed since she first entered this world; I am still as awed now as I was then.

Natasha at two weeks with her Mum, my beautiful daughter
           From the moment I first held her, moments after her birth, to watching her grow up over these years, she has fascinated me.  As a toddler she made me laugh with her antics; as a preteen and in grade school she seemed to me wise beyond her years. 
          When upon entering eighth grade she was advised that everyone had to study a foreign language…the choice of language from a selection of about five, being up to the student, she chose Mandarin.  Her reasoning was that there are more Chinese people in the world than any other, so it made sense to study Mandarin as opposed to say, Italian.  Natasha was twelve at the time.
          But, since I am the world’s greatest Francophile, I told her if she studied French instead, I’d take her to Paris as a high school graduation present.  She did and I did.
          Tasha has always had such a gentle spirit and kind heart.  While still at grade school, a child was knocked down and hurt in the playground. Instead of running around with everyone else yelling for help and ‘where’s the teacher, where’s the teacher?’  Tasha knelt by the little boy’s side and began to pray for him. 
          She’s always had this penchant for helping others.  Her many, many friends gravitate to her side when they need a shoulder to cry on or just someone who understands them when they want to chat.  So, it was not at all surprising when she was accepted into University of Newcastle as a psychology major. 

Natasha outside the Louvre, Paris
          With her wonderful nature, her love of God, her family and her friends, Natasha will brighten the life of all who come to know her.  I’m so looking forward to many more years enjoying my beautiful granddaughter’s company.
          So, happy birthday, my darling girl!



  1. Such a lovely tribute to a special person. Happy Birthday, Natasha.

    1. I've passed on your good wishes to Tasha...she's very happy :)

  2. G'day Astrid. That is such a beautiful post. Natasha will only continue to brighten your life. She looks to be such a lovely young woman. Happy birthday to her. Take care. Liz...

    1. She thinks strangers wishing her birthday wishes is lovely. Thanks everyone!

  3. What a gorgeous tribute to your lovely grand-daughter, Astrid. Happy birthday, Natasha. :-)

  4. Happy Birthday, indeed! God bless you both!!


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