Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'll Need It One Day...

          What makes a person hang on to stuff?  I mean stuff that is patently ugly or useless or needs major reconstructive work?
          I recently read a newspaper article on one such hoarder.  The lady in question, it seems, had no idea that one of her bedrooms had become, over the course of some years, a rubbish tip.  One would have thought the overflowing boxes stacked from floor to ceiling would have been a clue, but apparently not.
          Now I know from time to time I’ve been guilty of hanging on to stuff because I might need it one day.  But these bouts of sentimentality usually don’t last long and the offending article has been removed with the next trash pickup day.
          The only time I’ve regretted not keeping something, usually an item of clothing, is when that same fashion has again become the ‘in’ thing and is available at my local store for a small fortune.
          Take for example, dresses.  Has anyone noticed they’re back?
          For years we, the female of the species, have been wearing pants and tops of all types and styles.  Short pants, mid calf pants, long pants.  Pants with flared bottoms, pants that sat at the waist, below the waist and even under the armpits (or so it seemed); and the tops to go with them were equally varied.  Everything from starched collars to low cut necklines; from short sleeves to long sleeves to no sleeves.
          We were finally able to understand why men don’t wear skirts or dresses.  Pants are far more comfortable!
          But after years of pants and more pants, the desire to once again wear a pretty dress started to blossom in feminine hearts.  At least it blossomed in this feminine heart and I started searching the clothing store racks for anything that didn’t have two legs attached to a waist band. 
          Then with each passing season more and more designers presented ladies with their lovely dress offerings.  Except in so many cases the dresses of the 21st century looked suspiciously like the stuff I was wearing back in the 80’s.
          Even the splashes of rainbow hues on some styles reminded me of the tie dyed jobs I sported back in my 30’s.  These days of course they’re called ‘pops of color,’ and a dress doesn’t have the right amount of oomph without its pops.
          I now regret all those days spent cleaning out my closet of rarely worn skirts and dresses.  I should have stuck with the hoarder’s mantra of, ‘who knows I might need it one day.’
          On the other hand, perhaps I might still find them at the Goodwill store and can buy them back?  Anyone know if poodle skirts are likely to return for a second go round?



  1. When I throw something away that is Mrs. Cranky's she gets a look of pure panic on her face! She is a hoarder, but not a total wack job, we can walk through our house but I recognize she is just a little nudge away from flipping and becoming a TV prime time hoarder. I keep telling her it is addition by subtraction.

    I don't think she has any poodle skirts.

    1. That's a little frightening Joe. Unless of course she has tons of dresses from the 90's and can start her own vintage store. Loot to be made there my chum!

  2. When you "downsize" your living quarters like I did, hoarding stuff, even good stuff, is no longer an option. If I haven't used it / worn it in 6 months, it's outta here. ;)


    1. Good thinking mate. A friend of mine in Oz never leaves her house without taking a bag of 'something'...usually an old shirt or such, out with her. I think I might start that too.

    2. Oh man! I still have pants hanging in the closet that I haven't worn for 25 years and will never again be able to fit into.

  3. Having never worn a dress, I'll have to take your word for it that pants are more comfortable.

    But, I will broach the opinion that most women, especially when they are matronly, really just don't have the shape to look their best in pants.

    1. I guess a dress can cover a multitude of sins. Smiles - A.

  4. G'day Astrid. Great post. I am a bit of a hoarder, but nothing to serious. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress. I am very much a jeans type of girl. Though I have seen some lovely summery dresses coming into the stores now and I can picture myself in one or two of them, but that's probably as far as it will go.Take care. Liz...

    1. Hawaii is such a laid back place that it's a rare occasion where I can wear a dress. But they do look lovely in the stores.

  5. My daughter mentioned a couple times, since school started, that people are dressing better this year. Lots of cute dresses and skirts.

    I tend to hang on to sentimental stuff. I stick them in memory boxes, only to be opened once every few years.

    I don't just buy stuff anymore. I used to buy buy buy, but then I realized it means you have to clean more. Now I only buy stuff I can't live without it...

    1. In my case, sadly, I can't seem to live without most of the stuff (clothes) I see in the stores...booo hooo. Smiles - A.

  6. I often clear out my belongings, but when hubby gets the itch to toss stuff, he tosses my stuff and yet I've noticed the garage is still full of his crap. Sigh.

    1. Sounds like it might be time for a garage sale...while he's out with the boys. Smiles - A.

  7. I cleared out all my skirts and dresses the day I realsised I would never again voluntarily show anyone my legs outside the privacy of my own home, Astrid. Trousers for me every time. :-)


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