Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Riding Along In My Automobile

          As I was walking past one of the local automobile yards here, I noted their new shipment of cars lined up in neat rows, each identical to the other both in color and style.  Row after row after row.
          Although these cute little cars were Fiats, it reminded me of the time I was dating a young man whose pride and joy was a Volkswagen Beetle.  That particular make of car was very popular with young people in Australia in the 70’s and 80’s.  On any given day Volkswagen bugs…almost always white…lined streets and packed parking lots.
          My boyfriend loved his Bug and thought it even more special because his was black.  An unusual color for a Bug at that time and the only black Bug I’d seen anywhere in the city.
          So it was on a beautiful Saturday morning that Tom and I decided to spend a lovely day at the beach soaking up the rays and perhaps catching a few waves.  At the time I lived in a beach suburb which became extremely busy with an influx of sun worshippers from inner city areas on any given weekend.
          And, on that particular day, prior to descending onto the sand, I needed to make a quick stop to pick up some dry cleaning before the store closed.  Not a problem.  But, since every available parking space along the road was taken, Tom decided to double park outside the dry cleaning establishment while I made a quick dash inside.  I was gone no more than two minutes.
          With my dry cleaning slung over my arm, I ran to Tom’s car, jumped in and said: ‘Okay, let’s hit the beach.’
          ‘That would be great…but, I think my wife has other plans for us this morning.’
          My head swiveled toward the unknown voice and I stared wide-eyed into a pair of blue eyes I’d never seen before.
          How was it possible that a complete stranger had a car exactly identical to Tom’s Bug?  And how in this strange world did it come about that said stranger double-parked his black Bug in exactly the same spot Tom had been only minutes before?
          Who can answer the mysterious questions of the universe?  All I know is, I felt like a complete twit, as I incoherently mumbled umms and ahhhs and then brilliantly asked: ‘Where’s my boyfriend?’
          ‘Don’t know sweetheart.’  He pointed past my head and toward the open window.  ‘But that’s my wife coming down the street now,’ he grinned.
          With a multitude of ‘I’m sorry’s,’ tumbling out of my mouth, I backed out of his car and, standing on the sidewalk, searched frantically for Tom.  There he was, parked against the kerb, four car lengths away, leaning up against the door of his Bug, looking in my direction and laughing his head off!
          As I stormed up to him, dry cleaning flapping in the wind, he was nearly doubled over chortling about the hysterically amusing sight he’d just witnessed. 
          When I queried why he hadn’t indicated to me the change in his parking status he just gaffawed some more and told me he didn’t know the semaphore signal for ‘over here dingaling.’ 
          Needless to say, although we still made it to the beach, Tom’s further days as my boyfriend were numbered in the single digits.  Dingaling indeed!



  1. I had a green '68 bug, sold it in '93. It was beat up but still ran great. I still regret not holding on to it!

    I think TOm could have hollored before you got in the other bug! But then you would have lost a good story.

    1. Apparently Bugs of all colors were as popular in the US as in Oz. I wonder if the new Fiats will enjoy the same popularity with the young folk today?

  2. My Bug was blue, at least it was before I totalled it in downtown Watts.

    1. From the battered appearance of the Bugs in Oz, I thought they were indestructible...the motor just kept going like the energizer bunny despite the body falling apart.

  3. My bug was a soft green. It was so bad that even its previous owner wouldn't drive it ..... but I was just a poor student! The front number plate fell off on Hunter Street Newcastle and I got stopped by the HWP on the Princes Highway coming back to Sydney. he gave me a defect and i gaffer taped it back on. Of all the very important things he could have given me a defect on he picked on the number plate .... p'rolly he thought it wasn't/couldn't be registered! LOL

  4. Did you ever find out why he moved? So who was the dingaling?

    1. A parking space along the street became available and he didn't want to risk being ticketed for double parking. But since he risked being given the flick by me...guess who won? Smiles - A.

  5. I had a mustard colour one. It was one of the first to come out here with the tiny back window. Must have a photo of it somewhere.
    I made a mistake when I was a young girl. I'd been to the pictures and my father was to pick me up afterwards. I saw him coming and to save him parking I jumped in while he stopped at the corner.
    When I went to speak to him I saw this strange face of a quite ugly man. Well, to a 12 year old .. he was not very good looking. He had a deformed face! I opened the door and my feet hardly hit the pavement. I ran the 20klms home!!

    1. Good to know I'm not the only dingaling who jumps into the wrong car eh?

  6. Something similar -- very roughly similar -- once happened to me. But I had my 3-year-old niece with me ... and the woman who "mistook" me for her "friend" was ... hmm, a "working girl".

    1. It seems more people than not jump into the wrong car. I guess that must mean we'd all better start using our eyeballs a bit better. Smiles.

  7. G'day Astrid. Oh, that was a great read. I am still laughing. How wonderful.Wonder if the guy's wife noticed you in the car. Maybe he had some explaining to do!!! Take care. Liz...

    1. Yeah, I wondered that too...later. At the time I was too busy giving my soon-to-be-ex boyfriend stink-eye. Smiles- A.

  8. LOL indeed, Astrid. An understandable mistake on your part and I think I would have been tempted to kick the boyfriend where it hurts....

    1. He got plenty of stink-eye don't you worry. After which he also got the flick. Smiles.

  9. Now that's funny. I slid into a booth of strangers once, but you've got me beat. Still chuckling.

    1. I'm flattered you think so. I love your stuff and start laughing from word one. Smiles.

  10. Never laugh at the girlfriend, or any friend for that matter, even if it is funny. Now if she starts to laugh, you can join in and laugh with her. That's actually a fun thing to share. But you should never find yourself laughing at her. Best bet - assume responsibilty yourself. Of course, being a young man he wouldn't know this. It has to do with being a gentleman, and that takes time, if it happens at all.

    Now the man in the other car, you must have given him a bit of a fright, especially as the wife got closer and he had to start searching for how he was going to explain this beach babe in his car. Searching hopelessly of course, as there is no acceptable explanation for why an attractive young gal ends up in your car. You're always at fault, no matter how it happened.

    : )


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